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Using Collections

This section assumes you have already read the overview and understand what collections are and what they are for.

Creating collections

When creating collections, you need to pass the collection type as the first parameter, followed by the metadata and the content.

const etebase = await Etebase.Account.login("username", "password");
const collectionManager = etebase.getCollectionManager();

// Create, encrypt and upload a new collection
const collection = await collectionManager.create("cyberdyne.calendar",
name: "Holidays",
description: "My holiday calendar",
color: "#23aabbff",
"" // Empty content
await collectionManager.upload(collection);

Fetching collections

Fetching the list of collections is easy, and is the first step in any Etebase application, because collections contain the data.

Simple fetch

const etebase = await Etebase.Account.login("username", "password");
const collectionManager = etebase.getCollectionManager();

const collections = await collectionManager.list("cyberdyne.calendar");
data: Etebase.Collection[], // Returned array of collections
stoken: string, // The sync token for this fetch
... // More fields we'll cover later

The number of returned collections is limited by default, and you can control this limit by passing a different limit parameter as we'll see in the next example:

const collections = await collectionManager.list("cyberdyne.calendar", { limit: 50 });

You can also fetch multiple collection types at the same time:

const collections = await collectionManager.list(["cyberdyne.calendar", "cyberdyne.tasks"]);

Only fetch recent changes

We can use the stoken we have gotten in previous fetches to only return changed collections. A collection is considered changed if either it or any of its items have changed.

const stoken = "..."; // An stoken we got previously e.g. collections.stoken

const collections = await collectionManager.list("cyberdyne.calendar", { stoken });

Fetch in chunks

We can use a combination of limit and stoken to fetch the changes in chunks rather than all at once. This is more resistant to spotty internet connections, and means we can show data to users faster.

let stoken = null;
while (true) {
const collections = await collectionManager.list("cyberdyne.calendar", { stoken, limit: 30 });
stoken = collections.stoken;


if (collections.done) {

Fetch by uid

Sometimes we don't care about getting the whole list of collections, and we are just interested in fetching one collection based on its uid. We can do it like this:

const collection = await collectionManager.fetch(collectionUid);

// Can optionally pass stoken to only return the collection if changed:
const collection = await collectionManager.fetch(collectionUid, { stoken });

Removed memberships

When a collection is deleted it will be marked as deleted and signed so clients can verify it was really deleted by the owner rather than forged by the server.

However, when a user loses access to a collection it's not marked as deleted. Instead, its uid is returned in a special list. Here is how it looks:

const stoken = "..."; // An stoken we got previously

const collections = await collectionManager.list("cyberdyne.calendar", { stoken });

// collections.removedMemberships is either undefined or a list of removed uids.

Note: because membership removals are not signed, it's good practice to show an indication to the user before removing the local copy.

Modifying and deleting collections

Modifying collections is easy, it's just a matter of changing them and uploading them.

const meta = collection.getMeta();
collection.setMeta({ ...meta, name: "New name" });

await collectionManager.upload(collection);

Deleting is even easier:


await collectionManager.upload(collection);

Advanced uploads and transactions

In the examples above we always uploaded the collections in a way that overwrote whatever is on the server, regardless if it has changed since we last fetched it, or not. While this is fine in many cases, in some cases you want to prevent that in order to ensure the consistency of data.


The easiest way to ensure consistency is just to use transactions. Transactions make sure that what we think is the most recent version, really is, and will fail otherwise.

For example:

// -> On device A:
const collection = await collectionManager.fetch(collectionUid);

// -> On device B:
const collection = await collectionManager.fetch(collectionUid);
const meta = collection.getMeta();
collection.setMeta({ ...meta, name: "New name" });

await collectionManager.upload(collection);

// -> On device A (using the previously saved collection)
const meta = collection.getMeta();
collection.setMeta({ ...meta, name: "Another name" });

// Will fail
await collectionManager.transaction(collection);
// Will succeed
await collectionManager.upload(collection);

Using stoken

Transactions will only fail if the collection itself has changed, but will not fail if one of its items has changed. In some cases we want to have collection-wide consistency and want to make sure nothing has changed.

// -> On device A:
const collection = await collectionManager.fetch(collectionUid);
const stoken = collection.stoken;

// -> On device B:
const collection = await collectionManager.fetch(collectionUid);
const itemManager = collectionManager.getItemManager(collection);
// Add a new item to tho collection (redacted for simplicity)
await itemManager.batch(...);

// -> On device A (using the previously saved collection)
const stoken = collection.stoken;
const meta = collection.getMeta();
collection.setMeta({ ...meta, name: "Another name" });

// Will both fail
await collectionManager.transaction(collection, { stoken });
await collectionManager.upload(collection, { stoken });

// Will both succeed
await collectionManager.transaction(collection);
await collectionManager.upload(collection);

Binary content

In the examples above content was always a string. However, content is actually a binary blob of data, not a string. Using it as a string is just a convenience.

Here is how you can control the formatting of the data:

// default, returns a Promise<Uint8Array>
await collection.getContent();
// tries to convert the binary data to a string and returns that
await collection.getContent(Etebase.OutputFormat.String);

// Sets the content to a binary blob
await collection.setContent(Uint8Array.from([72, 101, 108, 108, 111]));
// Sets the content to a string
await collection.setContent("Hello");