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Fetching Data

There are a lot of common patterns throughout the Etebase API. This document defines some of the common concepts that used in the following sections.


As described in the overview, stokens are opaque identifiers that mark a point-in-time of the data. It's commonly used to only fetch items that have changed since the last fetch.

Fetch Options

Fetch options let clients modify the behaviour of requests to the server. They are passed as query parameters when making the request.

Here are the supported values:

  • limit: limit the amount of results when fetching a list.
  • stoken: limit the results based on the stoken (only return newer results).
  • iterator: filter results when iterating on long lists (similar to stoken).
  • prefetch: indicate to the server how much data to prefetch. This is useful for when you know you will need (or not) the content so you can pre-fetch the data accordingly. Values:
    • auto (default): the server decides how to prefetch data.
    • medium: fetch items and their list of chunks, but not the content itself.
  • withCollection: whether to also fetch the collection's main item when fetching the list of items. More on that in later sections.

List Responses

Lists in the API come in one of two forms:

StokenListResponse<T> {
data: [T]
done: bool,
stoken: Option<str>,


IteratorListResponse<T> {
data: [T]
done: bool,
iterator: Option<str>,

They are essentially the same, with the only difference being the usage of stoken and iterator for filtering data.

Here is a full description of the fields:

  • data: a list of type T of the data being returned (e.g. Collection).
  • done: whether there are no more items to fetch
  • stoken/iterator: the stoken or iterator relating to this fetch that can be used to fetch the next batch of items.