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Notes (Markdown)

Note collections store their data in Markdown.

The notes spec is still young and evolving, though as long as you follow the specification below your notes will continue working as the spec improves.


Collection type:

This is the type indicating it's an Etebase-style Markdown note.


name: string

The user visible name of the notebook.

description: string (optional)

The user visible description of the notebook.

The user visible color of the notebook as #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA.

mtime: milliseconds since epoch

When was this collection last modified.



type: leave empty

If the type is empty, it indicates a note item. New types may be added in the future, so to make sure you are future-compatible, check the type is empty before processing items.

name: string

The user visible name of the note, e.g. "Shopping list".

mtime: milliseconds since epoch

When was this item last modified. Useful for sorting based on modification time.


The content of the item is the note in the Markdown format.